TO: Department Heads, Managers, and Business Officers
FR: Melinda Crawford, Manager, Employment/Training & Development, Human Resources
RE: New Employee Orientation/Benefits Orientation will be offered as a Zoom meeting on 3/17/2020
To implement recommended social distancing measures, Human Resources will begin offering New Employee Orientation (NEO) and New Employee Benefits Orientation (NEBO) via Zoom starting on Tuesday, March 17th. We ask campus departments to take steps to allow their new employees who are scheduled to attend NEO/NEBO next week (and in the immediate future) to join the session remotely via Zoom using this link: (The NEO session starts at 9AM on March 17th.)
For those new hires or newly eligible employees not able to utilize Zoom to participate in NEO/NEBO, Human Resources asks campus departments to request in-person seating on behalf of their employee by sending an email to or calling 805-893-3482.
Human Resources will continue to provide Benefits information packets to employees who attend NEBO via Zoom. Beginning next week and for the immediate future, Human Resources will forward Benefits information packets to the home departments via intercampus mail for all known NEO/NEBO participants (i.e., new staff hires who received job offers through the Employment unit and those who are registered for NEBO via HR ServiceNow). If departments are unsure whether their new hire or newly eligible employee is registered for the upcoming NEO/NEBO, please submit their name via Service Now/Benefits Administration to ensure that a Benefits information packet will be prepared for their new hire or newly eligible employee.
The above described measures will remain in place for at least the next 30 days. Human Resources is committed to continuing its work to welcome and engage our new employees while proactively following recommended guidance on social distancing measures due to the threat of COVID-19. Human Resources is also currently evaluating all scheduled HR trainings for the next 30 days to determine whether alternate methods of delivery can be used. More information will be provided about training course changes in the coming days.
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Other Resources
HR NEO/NEBO Schedule:
University of California Resources COVID-19 Resources:
Chancellor’s Office communications about COVID-19: