General Salary Increase Program Information and Guidelines - FY 2024-25

Chancellor Yang announced on Monday, June 3, 2024 that UCSB will be implementing an across the board 4.2% general increase program for eligible policy-covered employees. Please see the communications below for more information on this program.

Questions should be directed to HR Service Now > Compensation & Classification > General Questions.


Preparation for the Merit and/or Salary Increase Program


For more information on your role in the pay for performance process, please go to Managing My Performance.


Managers and Supervisors

Please take the following steps to get your staff ready for the annual merit increase program (these also apply to the general salary increase program):

  1. Complete a written Performance Evaluation for each one of your policy-covered employees. Must be completed within 12 months prior to the start of the merit and/or general salary increase process.
  2. Notify your control point and then Employee and Labor Relations regarding any employees you wish to exclude from the program due to poor performance. 
  3. Review employee data in DataWarehouse to make sure the following information is correctly reflected:
  • Employment status = Active, especially if they've recently returned from leave.
  • Job Expected End Date = blank or a date that is later than the merit/increase program effective date.
  • Salary grade is correct and not blank.
  • Dept ID for both Position and Job Data are the same. Fund source Dept ID can be different.
  • Funding strings and pay distribution %'s are correct.

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Employee Notification
Templates (Merit based programs only)

Please take the proactive step to notify your employees individually of the merit pay increase they received.  The following document has two samples for department heads and supervisors to use as a starting point depending on the particular circumstances. Feel free to edit and personalize these communications as needed.  If there are unique situations in your department that the sample templates do not adequately address, please feel free to contact your department’s designated Employee & Labor Relations Specialist.

Sample Employee Communication Templates for Merit Program

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People Management &
Performance Evaluations

Managers and Supervisors --> Integrated Talent Management (UCNet)

Employees --> Managing My Performance web page

Performance Evaluations --> Performance Evaluation web page

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UCPath Instructions
for Post-Salary Increase/Merit Processing

Retro Reclass Process (BW / MO

Retro Equity Process (BW / MO

Annual Increase Process After Promotion/Transfer

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Salary Grade Ranges

Please refer to the Salary Scales section of our website for information on salary grades. 

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  • 7/1/23 (6/25 BW) - 4.6% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PY career employees; multiple adjustments to the salary range structure.
  • 7/1/22 (6/26 BW) - 4.5% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PY career employees; multiple adjustments to the salary range structure.
  • 7/1/21 (6/27 BW) - 3% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PYcareer employees; 2% adjustment to the salary range structure.
  • 7/1/20 - No increase. Salary freeze due to COVID Pandemic.
  • 7/1/19 (6/30 BW) - 3% Merit Fund Pool/Budget - Performance based merit increase; 2.5% adjustment to the salary range structure
  • 7/1/18 (MO and BW) - 3% Merit Fund Pool/Budget - Performance based merit increase; No adjustment to the salary range structure (it was newly introduced Effective May 1, 2018 with Career Tracks)
  • 7/1/17 (6/18 for BW) - 3% Merit Fund Pool/Budget - Performance based merit increase; 2.5% adjustment to the salary range structure
  • 7/1/16 (6/19 for BW) – 3% Merit Fund Pool/Budget – Performance based merit increase; 2% adjustment to salary range structure
  • 7/1/15 (6/21 for BW) - 3% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PYcareer employees; 2% adjustment to salary range structure
  • 7/1/14 (6/22 for BW) - 3% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PYcareer employees; 3% adjustment to salary range structure
  • 7/1/13 (6/23 for BW) - 3% General Salary Increase for eligible career/PYcareer employees; 3% adjustment to salary range structure
  • 10/1/12 - No annual increase, no adjustment to the range structure
  • 12/1/11 - .7% Across the Board increase to end SRDP program
  • 7/1/11 - 3% Merit Fund Pool/Budget; 3% adjustment to salary range structure
  • 10/1/10 - Salaries restored; no new merit budget; no range structure adjustment
  • 9/1/09 - 8/31/10 - 8% salary reduction for salaries over $46k, 4% reduction for salaries under $46k; furlough days provided
  • 10/1/08 - No merit increase; no range structure adjustment
  • 10/1/07 - 4% Merit Fund Pool/Budget; 4% adjustment to salary range structure