February 22, 2022
TO: UC Santa Barbara Staff Colleagues
FR: Jane Gama, Employee Engagement Specialist
On behalf of UC Santa Barbara Super Group
RE: National Employee Appreciation Day, March 4, 2022
The Super Group is excited to announce the inaugural UC Santa Barbara National Employee Appreciation Day celebration. These events are in addition to the beloved Staff Appreciation Week and Staff MAYNIA! events that are traditionally hosted in May. All staff is welcome!
National Employee Appreciation Day at Cheadle Plaza, 11:30-1 pm:
To celebrate our employees, we will be providing pre-packaged food sponsored by Chancellor Yang, drinks by Staff Assembly, and snacks by CSAC. We invite you to come for the food and stay for the community! Staff Groups will be available with membership information. A gratitude table will be ready for you to write a thank you card for someone you appreciate on-campus. All we need now is you!
National Employee Appreciation Day Virtual Trivia, 4 pm:
To include our distributed workforce in the festivities, we will be hosting a virtual trivia game from 4-5 pm. There will be three individual round winners and one participant at-large winner for joining in on the virtual fun! Staff Assembly and CSAC have generously donated four gift cards.
Super Group:
● Staff Assembly
● The Collective
● Toastmasters
● ucsbBlack!
National Employee Appreciation Day at Cheadle Plaza is an outdoor event. Masks are not required; however, we encourage those who wish to wear a mask to do so.