Thursday, September 6 2018

TO:      Campus Community

FR:      Katherine Abad, Recruiter/Training Analyst II, Human Resources

RE:     The HR Department-Wide Training Course Schedule is now available.  This quarterly schedule contains information on all upcoming HR training's, including classes and workshops in the following programs:

• Supervisory Certificate Program (SCP)
• UCPath Roll Out
• Open Enrollment
•  Benefits and Retirement Workshops and Classes
•  Learn at Lunch Events
•  My UC Career Website
•  UC People Management Series and Certificate Program
•  UC Managing Implicit Bias Series
•  Sexual Violence Harassment and Prevention Training Update
- Conflict Management & Google and Box Training

Please see the HR Department-Wide Training Course Schedule for specific enrollment information on all upcoming trainings:

Or visit the HR training website at:

Dilling Yang Staff Scholarships are available to eligible staff to support their educational, professional and development objectives.
Please see additional guidelines and more information at: