UC rehired retirees are individuals who are anticipating returning to UC employment who are currently receiving a Monthly Retirement Income or have received a Lump Sum Cashout from the University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP).
Please watch this quick 6 minute video to learn how to
submit a rehired retiree request form.
UC Retiree in a Staff Position or Senior Management Group
- Reemployment must not occur until there has been a break in service of at least 30 days, and preferably 90 days.
- Per UC and IRS guidelines, discussions and paperwork regarding reemployment of a retiree or soon to be retiree should be avoided until after the first retirement paycheck has been received. You must have a break in service of at least 30 calendar days, and preferably 90 days before you can be rehired. In addition, if you have not reached normal retirement age, defined by UCRP as age 60 (65 for most 2013 and 2016 Tier members and 50 for Safety Members), you must not engage in discussions concerning reemployment until after you have received your first monthly retirement benefit or lump sum cash out or 30 days after separation, whichever is later.
- Reemployment must result from University need, for example: the retired employee possesses skills and institutional knowledge that the hiring department cannot otherwise obtain with equal cost effectiveness; the hiring department anticipates a prolonged process for hiring a replacement; or the hiring department anticipates that the retired employee will assist the replacement in acquiring necessary skills and knowledge.
- The appointment must be limited to no more than 43 percent time in a 12-month period. A 43% appointment may be calculated as any monthly percentage and duration that mathematically equals or is less than 43% of a 12 month period. (5.16 months full-time equivalent) Example: 50% for 10 months =5 months.
- Prior to reemployment, the department will need to complete the Retired Employee Approvals Form. The UBEN 138 PDF can be used to see what the form entails (not for submission); however, the UBEN 138 Docusign form must be used when you're ready to submit your request.
- The completed form should be submitted at least 30 - 45 days prior to the employee's date of hire to HR's Talent Acquisition Office for review and approval by the HR Director and the Chancellor. Please submit a limited appointment job description in Job Builder. An above midpoint request form is required. Please have the retiree complete the UCRP Rehired Retiree Election Form (UBEN 1039). You will submit a copy to Talent Acquisition and keep the original for your records as you will upload this document in UCPath when you are adding their appointment to UCPath. Once the HR Director has reviewed the Retired Employee Approvals Form for compliance, the form will then be sent to the Chancellor for final approval.
- HR's Talent Acquisition Office will contact the department when the approval form has been approved or if additional information is requested. A copy of the signed approval form will be sent to the department. If the approval form has been denied, HR will contact the department.
- When entering the appointment in UCPath, enter the Employee Class with the code of '4' for a limited appointment and not as '15'; enter the Status as 'Rehire' and the Reason as 'Rehired Retiree'; and enter a Benefits Administration Configuration Eligibility value of 'Y' for Elig Fld 8 to indicate that this is a rehired retiree.
- All critical positions, i.e., the majority of positions on campus, including Retired Rehirees will need a criminal history background check completed for each new appointment. If your department does not have a Universal account for you to begin this process, you will need to submit a google form request via the HR website at: https://www.hr.ucsb.edu/hr-units/talent-acquisition/all-about-background-checks/ so that HR may initiate the Universal invitation.
- A UC retiree who elected a monthly pension will need to complete the UCRP Rehired Retiree Election Form (UBEN 1039). The UC Path Center will be responsible for sending out the UBEN 1039 to the retired rehiree and then the retired rehiree will fill it out and submit it to HR's Talent Acquisition Office. (This form is not applicable if the retiree elected a Lump Sum Cashout.)
- If you are suspending retirement please contact Benefits for coordination of health benefits.
- For more information on recalling a retiree into a staff or senior management group position, please review the UC policy as well as the information on UCnet.
UC Retiree in an Academic Position
- Recall appointments for academic appointees and other academic appointments are governed by APM 205: Recall of Academic Appointees.
- Reemployment must not occur until there has been a break in service of at least 30 days, and preferably 90 days.
- Employees who have not reached normal retirement age (defined by UCRP as age 60 for most members and age 50 for Safety members), must not engage in discussions concerning reemployment until after they have received their first monthly payment or Lump Sum Cashout or 30 days after separation, whichever is later.
- Recall appointments are limited to a total of 43% time.
- Please contact Academic Personnel for further information.